[vlc-commits] [Git][videolan/vlc][master] audiounit_ios: add @autoreleasepool to GetLatency
Felix Paul Kühne (@fkuehne)
gitlab at videolan.org
Mon Aug 26 17:38:08 UTC 2024
Felix Paul Kühne pushed to branch master at VideoLAN / VLC
2e77112d by Alexandre Janniaux at 2024-08-26T17:23:38+00:00
audiounit_ios: add @autoreleasepool to GetLatency
GetLatency calls [AVAudioSession outputLatency] in the following
- _malloc_zone_malloc_instrumented_or_legacy
- _Block_copy
- -[_NSXPCDistantObject _initWithConnection:proxyNumber:generationCount:interface:options:error:]
- -[NSXPCConnection synchronousRemoteObjectProxyWithErrorHandler:]
- caulk::xpc::message<id<SessionManagerXPCProtocol> __strong, objc_object* __strong, unsigned int>::sync_proxy()
- GetPropertyXPC(std::__1::shared_ptr<as::client::XPCConnection>, unsigned int, NSString*, bool)
- GetProperty(AVAudioSessionImpl*, NSString*, bool)
- float GetProperty_DefaultToZeroXPC<float>(AVAudioSessionImpl*, NSString*, bool)
- -[AVAudioSession outputLatency]
- GetLatency
- GetLatency
- ca_Render
- RenderCallback
- ausdk::AUInputElement::PullInput(unsigned int&, AudioTimeStamp const&, unsigned int, unsigned int)
- AUInputFormatConverter2::InputProc(OpaqueAudioConverter*, unsigned int*, AudioBufferList*, AudioStreamPacketDescription**, void*)
- caulk::expected<unsigned int, int> caulk::function_ref<caulk::expected<unsigned int, int> (ACAudioSpan&)>::functor_invoker<acv2::AudioConverterV2::fillComplexBuffer(int (*)(OpaqueAudioConverter*, unsigned int*, AudioBufferList*, AudioStreamPacketDescription**, void*), void*, unsigned int*, AudioBufferList*, AudioStreamPacketDescription*, AudioStreamPacketDependencyInfo*)::$_2>(caulk::details::erased_callable<caulk::expected<unsigned int, int> (ACAudioSpan&)> const&, ACAudioSpan&)
- acv2::AudioConverterChain::ObtainInput(acv2::AudioConverterBase&, unsigned int)
- acv2::CBRConverter::ProduceOutput(ACAudioSpan&)
- acv2::AudioConverterChain::ProduceOutput(caulk::function_ref<caulk::expected<unsigned int, int> (ACAudioSpan&)>, ACBaseAudioSpan&)
- acv2::AudioConverterV2::fillComplexBuffer(int (*)(OpaqueAudioConverter*, unsigned int*, AudioBufferList*, AudioStreamPacketDescription**, void*), void*, unsigned int*, AudioBufferList*, AudioStreamPacketDescription*, AudioStreamPacketDependencyInfo*)
- with_resolved(OpaqueAudioConverter*, caulk::function_ref<int (AudioConverterAPI*)>)
- AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer
- AUConverterBase::RenderBus(unsigned int&, AudioTimeStamp const&, unsigned int, unsigned int)
- AURemoteIO::RenderBus(unsigned int&, AudioTimeStamp const&, unsigned int, unsigned int)
- ausdk::AUBase::DoRender(unsigned int&, AudioTimeStamp const&, unsigned int, unsigned int, AudioBufferList&)
- AURemoteIO::PerformIO(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, AudioTimeStamp const&, AudioTimeStamp const&, AudioBufferList const*, AudioBufferList*, int&)
- _XPerformIO
- mshMIGPerform
- MSHMIGDispatchMessage
- void* caulk::thread_proxy<std::__1::tuple<caulk::thread::attributes, AURemoteIO::IOThread::IOThread(AURemoteIO&, caulk::thread::attributes const&, caulk::mach::os_workgroup_managed const&)::'lambda'(), std::__1::tuple<>>>(void*)
- _pthread_start
- thread_start
The call to Objective-C function might generate objects released from
autoreleasepool, which seems to be the case with the call to
[NSXPConnection synchronousRemoteObjectProxyWithErrorHandler][^1].
I've not found where exactly `[[block copy] autorelease]` was called but
setting up the autoreleasepool before unwinding back to the C code
removes the accumulatoin of memory on this specify callstack.
[^1]: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsxpcconnection/2879410-synchronousremoteobjectproxywith?language=objc
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- modules/audio_output/apple/audiounit_ios.m
@@ -90,35 +90,37 @@ typedef struct
static vlc_tick_t
GetLatency(audio_output_t *p_aout)
- aout_sys_t *p_sys = p_aout->sys;
+ @autoreleasepool {
+ aout_sys_t *p_sys = p_aout->sys;
- Float64 unit_s;
- vlc_tick_t latency_us = 0, us;
- bool changed = false;
+ Float64 unit_s;
+ vlc_tick_t latency_us = 0, us;
+ bool changed = false;
- us = vlc_tick_from_sec([p_sys->avInstance outputLatency]);
- if (us != p_sys->output_latency_ticks)
- {
- msg_Dbg(p_aout, "Current device has a new outputLatency of %" PRId64 "us", us);
- p_sys->output_latency_ticks = us;
- changed = true;
- }
- latency_us += us;
+ us = vlc_tick_from_sec([p_sys->avInstance outputLatency]);
+ if (us != p_sys->output_latency_ticks)
+ {
+ msg_Dbg(p_aout, "Current device has a new outputLatency of %" PRId64 "us", us);
+ p_sys->output_latency_ticks = us;
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ latency_us += us;
- us = vlc_tick_from_sec([p_sys->avInstance IOBufferDuration]);
- if (us != p_sys->io_buffer_duration_ticks)
- {
- msg_Dbg(p_aout, "Current device has a new IOBufferDuration of %" PRId64 "us", us);
- p_sys->io_buffer_duration_ticks = us;
- changed = true;
- }
- /* Don't add 'us' to 'latency_us', IOBufferDuration is already handled by
- * the render callback (end_ticks include the current buffer length). */
+ us = vlc_tick_from_sec([p_sys->avInstance IOBufferDuration]);
+ if (us != p_sys->io_buffer_duration_ticks)
+ {
+ msg_Dbg(p_aout, "Current device has a new IOBufferDuration of %" PRId64 "us", us);
+ p_sys->io_buffer_duration_ticks = us;
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ /* Don't add 'us' to 'latency_us', IOBufferDuration is already handled by
+ * the render callback (end_ticks include the current buffer length). */
- if (changed)
- msg_Dbg(p_aout, "Current device has a new total latency of %" PRId64 "us",
- latency_us);
- return latency_us;
+ if (changed)
+ msg_Dbg(p_aout, "Current device has a new total latency of %" PRId64 "us",
+ latency_us);
+ return latency_us;
+ }
#pragma mark -
View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/commit/2e77112df59f0b739c70aed8f148c0e81200c6db
View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/commit/2e77112df59f0b739c70aed8f148c0e81200c6db
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