[vlc-commits] [Git][videolan/vlc][master] 3 commits: Revert "subpictures: scale with the least cropping"

François Cartegnie (@fcartegnie) gitlab at videolan.org
Thu Mar 7 14:33:19 UTC 2024

François Cartegnie pushed to branch master at VideoLAN / VLC

d7a2ed3b by Steve Lhomme at 2024-03-07T13:56:54+00:00
Revert "subpictures: scale with the least cropping"

This reverts commit 372e62c00c50884629ef3c63c1d3b9ed490c9b02.

This commit broke SPU positioning for this DVD:

- - - - -
a7c7febf by Steve Lhomme at 2024-03-07T13:56:54+00:00
vout_subpictures: only edit area fitting if it was modified

Otherwise we carry over some scaling rounding in the original region, even if nothing was changed.

- - - - -
3b4e6314 by Steve Lhomme at 2024-03-07T13:56:54+00:00
vout_subpictures: break when we match the region chroma

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- src/video_output/vout_subpictures.c


@@ -570,20 +570,34 @@ static void SpuAreaFixOverlap(spu_area_t *dst,
 static void SpuAreaFitInside(spu_area_t *area, const spu_area_t *boundary)
     spu_area_t a = spu_area_scaled(*area);
+    bool modified = false;
     const int i_error_x = (a.x + a.width) - boundary->width;
     if (i_error_x > 0)
+    {
         a.x -= i_error_x;
+        modified = true;
+    }
     if (a.x < 0)
+    {
         a.x = 0;
+        modified = true;
+    }
     const int i_error_y = (a.y + a.height) - boundary->height;
     if (i_error_y > 0)
+    {
         a.y -= i_error_y;
+        modified = true;
+    }
     if (a.y < 0)
+    {
         a.y = 0;
+        modified = true;
+    }
-    *area = spu_area_unscaled(a, area->scale);
+    if (modified)
+        *area = spu_area_unscaled(a, area->scale);
@@ -1003,7 +1017,10 @@ static subpicture_region_t *SpuRenderRegion(spu_t *spu,
     bool convert_chroma = true;
     for (int i = 0; chroma_list[i] && convert_chroma; i++) {
         if (region->p_picture->format.i_chroma == chroma_list[i])
+        {
             convert_chroma = false;
+            break;
+        }
     /* Scale from rendered size to destination size */
@@ -1294,25 +1311,14 @@ static vlc_render_subpicture *SpuRenderSubpictures(spu_t *spu,
                             i_sar_num, i_sar_den, 65536);
-            /* Compute scaling from original size to destination size */
-            // ensures that the heights match, the width being cropped.
-            spu_scale_t scale_h = spu_scale_createq((uint64_t)fmt_dst->i_visible_height * fmt_dst->i_sar_den * region_sar.num,
-                                                    (uint64_t)i_original_height         * fmt_dst->i_sar_num * region_sar.den,
-                                                    fmt_dst->i_visible_height,
-                                                    i_original_height);
-            // ensures that the widths match, the height being cropped.
-            spu_scale_t scale_w = spu_scale_createq((uint64_t)fmt_dst->i_visible_width * fmt_dst->i_sar_den * region_sar.num,
-                                                    (uint64_t)i_original_width         * fmt_dst->i_sar_num * region_sar.den,
-                                                    fmt_dst->i_visible_width,
-                                                    i_original_width);
-            // take the scale that will crop the least
-            spu_scale_t scale;
-            if (scale_h.h * scale_h.w > scale_w.h * scale_w.w)
-                scale = scale_w;
-            else
-                scale = scale_h;
+            /* Compute scaling from original size to destination size
+             * FIXME The current scaling ensure that the heights match, the width being
+             * cropped.
+             */
+            spu_scale_t scale = spu_scale_createq((uint64_t)fmt_dst->i_visible_height * fmt_dst->i_sar_den * region_sar.num,
+                                                  (uint64_t)i_original_height         * fmt_dst->i_sar_num * region_sar.den,
+                                                  fmt_dst->i_visible_height,
+                                                  i_original_height);
             /* Check scale validity */
             assert(scale.w != 0 && scale.h != 0);

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/compare/37eb94ecf7dd8d6818c482b974ad59bd35a040a1...3b4e631487ddb76468b918b704eff81501b3e848

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/compare/37eb94ecf7dd8d6818c482b974ad59bd35a040a1...3b4e631487ddb76468b918b704eff81501b3e848
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