[vlc-commits] [Git][videolan/vlc][master] qml: do not let qt to create implicit layer in player blurred background

François Cartegnie (@fcartegnie) gitlab at videolan.org
Mon Jan 27 20:08:12 UTC 2025

François Cartegnie pushed to branch master at VideoLAN / VLC

df9db426 by Fatih Uzunoglu at 2025-01-27T19:55:46+00:00
qml: do not let qt to create implicit layer in player blurred background

Here, Qt wants to create a layer because when source is `QQuickImage`,
`QGfxSourceProxyME` checks its fill mode and source size.

In this case, we need to tell Qt that we don't need a layer here, as
we are doing the mapping as we want but Qt currently does not offer
a way to tell that and simply tries to decide itself: "If needed,
MultiEffect will internally generate a ShaderEffectSource as the
texture source"

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- modules/gui/qt/player/qml/Player.qml


@@ -288,7 +288,28 @@ FocusScope {
                         width: (cover.sar < dar) ? parent.width :  parent.height * cover.sar
                         height: (cover.sar < dar) ? parent.width / cover.sar :  parent.height
-                        source: cover
+                        source: textureProviderItem
+                        Widgets.TextureProviderItem {
+                            // Texture indirection to fool Qt into not creating an implicit
+                            // ShaderEffectSource because source image does not have fill mode
+                            // stretch. "If needed, MultiEffect will internally generate a
+                            // ShaderEffectSource as the texture source.": Qt creates a layer
+                            // if source has children, source is image and does not have
+                            // fill mode stretch or source size is null. In this case,
+                            // we really don't need Qt to create an implicit layer.
+                            // Note that this item does not create a new texture, it simply
+                            // represents the source image provider.
+                            id: textureProviderItem
+                            // Do not set textureSubRect, because we don't want blur to be
+                            // updated everytime the viewport changes. It is better to have
+                            // the static source texture blurred once, and adjust the blur
+                            // than to blur each time the viewport changes.
+                            source: cover
+                        }
                         layer.enabled: true
                         layer.samplerName: "backgroundSource"

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/commit/df9db4263889fd2c7e38236234e26c0ce3a22e64

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/commit/df9db4263889fd2c7e38236234e26c0ce3a22e64
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