VOUT4 results with directx

Gildas Bazin gbazin at netcourrier.com
Mon Aug 20 10:38:46 CEST 2001

Ooops, I was not yet totally awake when I wrote this email this morning ;-)
Sorry to have made things more confusing than they already are.

So these are the few corrections:

On Mon, 20 Aug 2001 Gildas Bazin Wrote:
>As expected, method 4 is really overkill. VLC ends-up being a few
> times slower than before.

You should read: method 3 (storing everything in video memory) is really overkill.

>As I couldn't implement method 4 with directx, method 3 should have
> been the best performer. But ( you see, there's always a but ;) to
> my disappointement I found that method 1 is actually the best.

Should be read: As I couldn't implement method 2 (with dma transfer).

>(the difference is more than noticeable, method 1 is almost twice as
> fast a method 3)

Should be read: method 1 ( everything in system mem + memcpy() )is almost twice as fast as method 4 ( only B pictures in video memory ).

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