Multiple files bug

Christophe Massiot massiot at
Fri Mar 2 00:48:09 CET 2001

À (At) 23:12 +0100 1/03/01, Jean-Philippe Grimaldi écrivait (wrote) :

>  > My analysis of the problem is that one picture remains in the picture
>  > heap for each file played. The decoder can't continue its job and the
>  > fifo starts filling up. Since I haven't looked closely at the source
>  > for the past 2 months someone may find the solution faster than me.
>It actually seems to be specific to only some (malformed ?) mpeg files
>I have.

Frankly, I don't think the video parser does everything it should do 
upon leaving. I have fixed a few bugs like this recently, but I still 
get strange results sometimes.

Christophe Massiot.

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