vlc-0.2.90 kde-plugin errors and configure problems
Armin Krieg
warcomp at sbox.tugraz.at
Thu Oct 11 19:43:51 CEST 2001
I Makefile:
configure does not correctly set the lib-dirs of kde
and it always takes optimisation switches for the pentiumpro
processor (gcc is able to optimize for the amd athlon, i force the
switches with defining CFLAGS before configure)
In plugins/kde/Makefile:
configure does not correctly set the include-dirs of qt and kde
In plugins/kde/kdeinterface.cpp:
line 15: change #include<iostream> to #include<iostream.h>
or gcc(3.0.1) will not find fundtion cerr
In plugins/kde/kdeinterfacemain.cpp:
the same as with kdeinterface.cpp
after correcting all this things i'm still not able to
use the kde-interface because it is not able to load kde.so
"undefined symbol : __gxx_personality_v0"
mfG. AK
Armin Krieg
warcomp at sbox.tu-graz.ac.at
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Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion
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