Another partially playing DVD: Sex and the City 1 (Re: vlc 0.2.83/CVS plays dvd only partial)

Damian Ivereigh damian at
Mon Sep 10 15:26:18 CEST 2001

On Mon, 2001-09-10 at 22:50, Dirk Husemann wrote:

> Just FYI: The "Sex and the City 1" DVD 1 (Region code 2 but NTSC
> format funnily enough and sold in the UK) fails with vlc
> (0.2.73-0.2.83) as well. It tries to play the individual titles on the
> DVD but fails after the first 1sec or so---that first 1sec or so is
> intentional "white noise" eventually superimposed with the HBO logo
> (if viewed on a normal DVD player).

Try the CVS version or this patch to 0.2.83 - this is almost exactly the
symptoms I had with "The Dish". First few secs OK, then crash.

Damian Ivereigh
CEPS Team Lead
Desk: +61 2 8446 6344
Mob: +61 418 217 582

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