[vlc-devel] Re: CVS Commit (titer)

Jean-Paul Saman jpsaman at wxs.nl
Mon Dec 9 21:00:36 CET 2002

Christophe Massiot wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 09, 2002, Jean-Paul Saman wrote:
>>>--disable-dvd does work for me (I tested it on BeOS and Linux before
>>>my commit), could you check what is wrong with iPaq cross-compiling ?
>>>As most platforms have DVD support, I thought it should stay default
>>>enabled (it bored me to add --enable-dvd to my already-long configure
>>>line, I figured most people would agree).
>>Do you have the headerfiles available? I do not so the configure bails 
>>out because it cannot find the header files.
> What's the exact error message you get, Jean-Paul ?

Sorry for the *late* reply, but I couldn't look it up at work and had to 
wait till being at home.

I just checked and the original problem is not there anymore. So poking 
around in the CVS led me to think your commit from last saterday must 
have fixed the problem. Why? Because before that I had the problem at 
least on saterday.

"Revision 1.74 / (download) - annotate - [selected], Sat Dec 7 23:50:29 
2002 UTC (44 hours, 1 minute ago) by massiot
Changes since 1.73: +0 -11 lines"

So indeed titer you are right --disable-dvd works.

Thanks for the quick responses.

Jean-Paul Saman.

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