compiling vlc for Strongarm and Qtopia?
Jean-Paul Saman
jpsaman at
Mon Jul 22 10:31:51 CEST 2002
Christian Kohl wrote:
> I am still having trouble with compiling vlc for the IPAQ,
> I am not sure if I use the correct options, the ones I am using are
> as below:
> NM=arm-linux-nm LD=arm-linux-ld CXX=arm-linux-g++ RANLIB=arm-linux-
> ranlib AR=arm-linux-ar CC=arm-linux-gcc ./configure --disable-dvd --
> enable-release --prefix=/opt/Qtopia/ --disable-gtk --enable-fb --
> enable-sdl --with-sdl=/opt/Qtopia/ --disable-xvideo --disable-
> plugins --
> disable-dvd --disable-dvdread --disable-x11 --enable-mad --with-
> mad=/opt/Qtopia/ arm-linux
I use: --with-mad=/usr/local/arm/2.95.3/arm-linux
which should be similar to your --with-mad=/opt/Qtopia
Make sure you remove config.cache first and do make distclean before
doing configure, compile.
> One problem that occurred straight up is with libmad. The mad.h
> header could not be found as seen in the error output below
> although the "configure" is looking in the correct directories and
> the files mad.h exists in -I/opt/Qtopia/include and the libmad.a
> files
Did you do `make DESTDIR=/opt/Qtopia install`?
Does mad.h exist in /opt/Qtopia/include ? I do not think so ;-)
> exists in -L/opt/Qtopia/lib. I couldn't figure out was is wrong with
> this yet, so I compiled vlc without mad support.
Did this work?
> To try and rectify this problem, I tried two things, one: compiled
> mad as a shared library and secondly as a static, neither brought
> success.
Should not make a difference. Focus on static first.
> The options used for the configure of mad were:
> NM=arm-linux-nm LD=arm-linux-ld CXX=arm-linux-g++ RANLIB=arm-linux-
> ranlib AR=arm-linux-ar CC=arm-linux-gcc ./configure --
> prefix=/opt/Qtopia (--enable-static or --enable-shared) arm-linux
Try the script I added, called "mad".
> Output of vlc ./configure with mad support enabled:
> checking if $CC groks SSE inline assembly... no
> checking if $CC groks AltiVec inline assembly... no
> checking if $CC groks AltiVec C extensions... no
> checking if linker needs -framework vecLib... no
> checking for dvbpsi/dr.h... no
> checking for inet_pton... no
> checking for inet_pton in -lresolv... no
> -I/opt/Qtopia/include
> -L/opt/Qtopia/lib
> checking for mad.h... no
> configure: error: Cannot find development headers for libmad...
It cannot correctly determine where the development headers are. Look in
/opt/Qtopia/include and or lib if a libmad.h ad libraries can be found.
> The compilation wtihout mad seemed to succeed without error and now
> I wanted to
> transfer the required files to the ipaq to test but did not know
> which files and where
> those files had to go. The two things I tried are below and neither
> worked. Does anyone
> know what files I need to copy to the IPAQ and where to?
> 1. Only copied the vlc binary to /bin directory, gave following
> output on the ipaq:
> # vlc
> VideoLAN Client - version 0.5.0-cvs Natalya - (c) 1996-2002 VideoLAN
> [00:000017] main: found and locked memcpy module `memcpy'
> remote control interface initialized, `h' for help
> [00:00000d] main: found and locked interface module `rc'
> remote control interface initialized, `h' for help
> [00:00000d] main: found and locked interface module `rc'
> a /tmp/jwsalmon_240x192.mpg
> [00:00002f] main: playlist item `/tmp/jwsalmon_240x192.mpg'
> [00:000013] main: found and locked access module `file'
> [00:00000a] main: found and locked decoder module `mpeg_vdec'
> [00:00002f] main error: no suitable decoder module for type 0x4
> [00:000011] main: found and locked demux module `mpeg_ps'
> [00:000005] main: found and locked motion module `motion'
> [00:000004] main: found and locked iDCT module `idctclassic'
> pos: 2 s / 30 s
> pos: 2 s / 30 s
> X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
> X connection to familiar:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server
> shutdown).
You compiled for X11 and not for Qtopia here!!! You run Qtopia on the iPaq?
> 2. copied vlc binary to /bin, and libSDL libraries to /lib and vlc
> (all the .o files for vlc) folder to /lib/vlc
> and output on IPAQ was
You cannot copy it to /bin, /lib/ etc. if you compile it with
--prefix=/opt/Qtopia. You told the configure script to compile it for
running from /opt/Qtopia. So when installing make sure you install it
relative to /opt/Qtopia. Thus in /opt/Qtopia/bin,
In short "make DESTDIR=/opt/Qtopia install".
> I hope someone can shed light onto my troubles. Thanks.
> Christian Kohl
Good luck!
Jean-Paul Saman.
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