[vlc-devel] Re: VLC RPM error

Jason Luka jason at geshp.com
Mon Aug 25 19:08:00 CEST 2003

Alexis de Lattre wrote:

>On Mon, Aug 25, 2003, Jason Luka wrote :
>>That's from alsa-lib, you can get the RPM for it in the list of 
>>development packages from the webpage.
>>Alexis, can you put alsa-lib and the new update on the main page for me 
>I just did it.
>I have a question for you Jason : why do you upload the source RPM for
>some packages and not for all ? Is it for the packages you built
>yourself ? Should we put the source RPM on the FTP site ?
I upload all the ones I build myself. The others are done by Matthew 
Siou from freshrpms.net. Would you like me to send all the src files?

Jason Luka
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