[vlc-devel] new subtitle code by Dnumgis

Derk-Jan Hartman d.hartman at student.utwente.nl
Fri Jul 4 01:56:01 CEST 2003

This is to sigmund and other interested parties.

As some of you might know, sigmund has been working for some time on 
writing newer subtitle code for VLC. This new code will be using 
freetype2. This will allow us to use any truetype, freetype font for 
displaying subtitles ( not for DVD's of course ). Another advantage is 
the ability to change the size of the font.

His code is now reaching a usuable state and gibalou and I actually got 
a change to test it today. There is only one way to put this: 
<stevejobs>It's amazing</stevejobs>.

These shots are showing subtitles on the movie Amelie. It's 
LucidaBrightItalic.ttf from Apple's JavaFramework (i just typed 'locate 
.ttf' )

Note that the first shot is paused and the second actually playing. The 
quality when playing is dramatically better as you can see.

The code still needs some cleaning up according to him, and there are 
probably some bugs left. But it looks promising and the code will 
probably be in CVS real soon now ;)
I'll write some of what i found myself here.

> [00000154] osdtext video output debug: 254
> [00000154] osdtext video output debug: 255
> [00000154] osdtext video output error: file 
> /System/Library/Fonts/Symbol.dfont have unknown format
> [00000154] main video output error: no suitable text renderer module
> [00000154] main video output error: cannot delete object with a parent
> [00000152] ffmpeg decoder error: cannot create vout

Everything freezes when the font could not be loaded, it should just 
deactivate the osdtext module and continue.
btw. the problem i experience here is described further below. I can 
get it working with .ttf fonts etc though.

You call your module osdtext. Isn't freetype a better name since you 
now have the "text render" capability ?? this would allow for a more 
general naming scheme, so other possible text rendering methods could 
follow??? Or perhaps freetype_osd, freetype_text ???

The space between two sublines can be somewhat small with larger font 
sizes. perhaps this should be relative to subsize???

We should probably find some package with some fonts ppl can use in 
different areas. As far as i can tell with google'ing, no real/complete 
unicode font seems to be present currently. Also see the following, and 
not the etl-unicode font.

OSX has some real nice unicode fonts. These are all .dfont's but 
currently don't seem to work. However, since google shows that it 
apparently ought to work, I think it should be possible to get this 
I suspect it's because Meuuh and I compiled freetype as the unix 
variant and not with the mac extensions.


Videolan - VLC media player
Derk-Jan Hartman (thedj at users.sourceforge.net)
Co-Developer of the MacOS X port of vlc

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