[vlc-devel] VLC DirectX programing

MaFai zh-ma at hkbn.com.hk
Mon May 19 06:34:51 CEST 2003

Hello, Gildas Bazin,

I have read the code of directx.c carefully.

A fraction of code like as following:

 * Display: displays previously rendered output
 * This function sends the currently rendered image to the display, wait until
 * it is displayed and switch the two rendering buffers, preparing next frame.
static void Display( vout_thread_t *p_vout, picture_t *p_pic )
    HRESULT dxresult;

    if( (p_vout->p_sys->p_display == NULL) )
        msg_Warn( p_vout, "no display!!" );

    /* Our surface can be lost so be sure to check this
     * and restore it if need be */
    if( IDirectDrawSurface2_IsLost( p_vout->p_sys->p_display )
        if( IDirectDrawSurface2_Restore( p_vout->p_sys->p_display ) == DD_OK &&
            p_vout->p_sys->b_using_overlay )
            DirectXUpdateOverlay( p_vout );

    if( !p_vout->p_sys->b_using_overlay )
        DDBLTFX  ddbltfx;

        /* We ask for the "NOTEARING" option */
        memset( &ddbltfx, 0, sizeof(DDBLTFX) );
        ddbltfx.dwSize = sizeof(DDBLTFX);
        ddbltfx.dwDDFX = DDBLTFX_NOTEARING;

        /* Blit video surface to display */
        dxresult = IDirectDrawSurface2_Blt( p_vout->p_sys->p_display,
                                            DDBLT_ASYNC, &ddbltfx );
        if( dxresult != DD_OK )
            msg_Warn( p_vout, "could not blit surface (error %i)", dxresult );

    else /* using overlay */
        /* Flip the overlay buffers if we are using back buffers */
        if( p_pic->p_sys->p_front_surface == p_pic->p_sys->p_surface )

        dxresult = IDirectDrawSurface2_Flip( p_pic->p_sys->p_front_surface,
                                             NULL, DDFLIP_WAIT );
        if( dxresult != DD_OK )
            msg_Warn( p_vout, "could not flip overlay (error %i)", dxresult );

        /* set currently displayed pic */
        p_vout->p_sys->p_current_surface = p_pic->p_sys->p_front_surface;

        /* Lock surface to get all the required info */
        if( DirectXLockSurface( p_vout, p_pic ) )
            /* AAARRGG */
            msg_Warn( p_vout, "cannot lock surface" );
        DirectXUnlockSurface( p_vout, p_pic );

Disable the using overlay output option in VLC interface.I add my code in this method:

    if( !p_vout->p_sys->b_using_overlay )
        DDBLTFX  ddbltfx;

        /* We ask for the "NOTEARING" option */
        memset( &ddbltfx, 0, sizeof(DDBLTFX) );
        ddbltfx.dwSize = sizeof(DDBLTFX);
        ddbltfx.dwDDFX = DDBLTFX_NOTEARING;

/////////////////////////////////// My code ////////////////////////////////////
                HDC       DC;
                int xScrn,yScrn;
				HRESULT dxresultcut;
				dxresultcut = IDirectDrawSurface7_GetDC(p_pic->p_sys->p_surface,DC);

				if(dxresultcut != DD_OK)
					msg_Err(p_vout,"Can not get DC");

                xScrn = GetDeviceCaps(DC, HORZRES);
                yScrn = GetDeviceCaps(DC, VERTRES);
				msg_Err(p_vout,"%i %i",xScrn,yScrn);

        /* Blit video surface to display */
        dxresult = IDirectDrawSurface2_Blt( p_vout->p_sys->p_display,
                                            DDBLT_ASYNC, &ddbltfx );
        if( dxresult != DD_OK )
            msg_Warn( p_vout, "could not blit surface (error %i)", dxresult );


It compiled successfully.But the dxresultcut always not equals to DD_OK,
and xScrn,yScrn equals to 0.
I also have tried IDirectDrawSurface7_GetDC,IDirectDrawSurface4_GetDC,
IDirectDrawSurface3_GetDC,IDirectDrawSurface_GetDC,none work properly.
My destination is get the DC from the dx surface and generate to the bitmap.
May you give me any idea?I appreciate that you help me.

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