[vlc-devel] 0.6.3 changes to Red Hat

Jason Luka jason at geshp.com
Sun Sep 21 22:53:48 CEST 2003

For 0.6.3, I'm planning to remove ALSA and wxWindows support from vlc 
for Red Hat (and their respective RPM's from the list).  Both of the 
files are essentially useless and/or redundant in Red Hat Linux.  The 
only reason I include the QT, nCurse, Gnome, _and_ KDE interface support 
is because all the dependancy files already come with Red Hat.

Also xvidcore's description on the webpage is inaccurate.  Preferably, 
it should read "DivX video codec."  You should probably also put the 
registered trademark symbol after DivX.

Jason Luka
Red Hat Maintainer
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