[vlc-devel] Movies that stop before they are finished, only via http

James MacLean macleajb at ednet.ns.ca
Fri Apr 23 13:59:13 CEST 2004

Hi Folks,

Attached is a log of an AVI that plays fine in mplayer and Windows Media 
Player off a web site, but stops a short time into playing it with 

Odly, it runs fine locally with VLC if I download the file first.

I have attached a sample run and all I can deduce is that VLC thinks it is 
at the end of the stream?

How may I help debug what is happening here. I have seen this more than 
once lately but thought it was my enocoding that messed things up, but
that doesn't appear related this time.

Latest SVN from this morning, but tried on various SVN revisions lately 
and on both Linux and Windows.

James B. MacLean        macleajb at ednet.ns.ca
Department of Education 
Nova Scotia, Canada
-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: vlc.log
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 20035 bytes
Desc: Sample avi that stops before it is finished
URL: <http://mailman.videolan.org/pipermail/vlc-devel/attachments/20040423/7a551839/attachment.obj>

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