[vlc-devel] Patch for supporting ReplayTV generated MPEG-2 files

Philip Van Baren pdvb at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 5 03:37:20 CEST 2004

I've attached a patch for vlc that makes the file position / time indicator
work much better when playing MPEG-2 files generated by a ReplayTV 5000 series

The problem is the ReplayTV files are VBR and the mux rate stored in the
packets varies wildly from packet to packet.  What I did was add a counter, and
after we see 10 mux rate changes it switches over to an alternate mux rate
calculation, computed using a delta file offset divided by a delta SCR.

I'm new to VLC, so I'm not sure if this is the correct mailling list to address
this?  Or is there a patch submission procedure that I missed?

I also have a question: With VLC-0.7.2 and MPEG-2 files, the 1-minute and
5-minute hotkey skip functions work fine, but I can't get the 10-second skips
to work.  When I skip backward 10 seconds, something in the decoder or display
modules says the packet are all old, and dumps 10 seconds worth until I'm right
back where I started.  When I skip forward 10 seconds, the decoder and/or
display modules see images from the future, and wait 10 seconds before
displaying them.  As a result, it "skips" 10 seconds, but the display freezes
for 10 seconds before playing the new material.  This is all from a disk file,
so seeking is not a problem.

It seems to me that the decoder should somehow be triggered to indicate that
there is a discontinuity.  This appears to work fine for the 1-minute skips.  I
do see that at the time of the seek the input module is calling
input_EscapeDiscontinuity(p_input); which in turn is sending NULL packets, and
setting a SYNCHRO_REINIT, but after that I get lost in the source code, and I
can't find anybody actually doing anything with the SYNCHRO_REINIT flag.  I'll
continue digging into the source to try to figure this out, but any pointers on
where to look would be appreciated.

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