[vlc-devel] Re: Playlist-Window under OSX

Derk-Jan Hartman hartman at videolan.org
Tue Mar 2 18:33:48 CET 2004

that was the idea all along.
someone just needed to create icons. Preferably Max, but haven't heard 
from him anymore.

Guess he was disappointed i couldn't get the sliders as he wanted them 
(iTunes style)
btw, there is no need for a seperate Repeat One and Repeat All button. 
They are mutual exclusive and can be combined into one button as in 


On 02 mrt 2004, at 18:22, Felix Kühne wrote:

> Hello,
> as some of you might have noticed, the translation of the 
> repeat/loop/shuffle-buttons on the bottom of the playlist-window under 
> OSX isn't quite easy, since there is not enough space for a good 
> translation. I would suggest that we replace these check-boxes through 
> normal buttons with small, non-language-specific icons, like in 
> iTunes. This would be possible without changing even one line of code.
> A screenshot of my idea with activated repeat-one-button (and quite 
> ugly icons, which are going to be replaced later) can be found here:
> <http://www.geocities.com/fkdesign0001/videolan/screenshot.jpg>
> What do you think about this idea?
> Best regards,
> Felix
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Universiteit Twente
Derk-Jan Hartman (d.hartman at student.utwente dot nl)

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