[vlc-devel] window positioning

Hornsby Adrian adrian_hornsby at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Mar 18 12:44:09 CET 2004

Here is what I've done.
in the libvlc.h :

#define VIDEO_X_TEXT N_("Video-x")
#define VIDEO_X_LONGTEXT N_( \
    "You can define the position of the video window here - x parameter.")    

#define VIDEO_Y_TEXT N_("Video-y")
#define VIDEO_Y_LONGTEXT N_( \
    "You can define the position of the video window here - y parameter.")  

add_integer( "video-x", 0, NULL, VIDEO_X_TEXT, VIDEO_X_LONGTEXT, VLC_TRUE );
add_integer( "video-y", 0, NULL, VIDEO_Y_TEXT, VIDEO_Y_LONGTEXT, VLC_TRUE );

then in the directx/events.c file :

 /*Add  variables to indicate the position of the video display */
 var_Create( p_vout, "video-x", VLC_VAR_INTEGER | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
 var_Create( p_vout, "video-y", VLC_VAR_INTEGER | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
 int video_x = var_Get( p_vout, "video-x", &val );
 int video_y = var_Get( p_vout, "video-y", &val );

followed by :

/* Create the window */
        p_vout->p_sys->hwnd =
            CreateWindow( "VLC DirectX",               /* name of window class */
                    VOUT_TITLE " (DirectX Output)",   /* window title bar text */
                    WS_CLIPCHILDREN,                        /* window style */
                    video_x,                                /* X coordinate */
                    video_y,                                 /* Y coordinate */
                    rect_window.right - rect_window.left,    /* window width */
                    rect_window.bottom - rect_window.top,    /* window height */
                    NULL,                                 /* no parent window */
                    NULL,                            /* no menu in this window */
                    hInstance,               /* handle of this program instance */
                    (LPVOID)p_vout );             /* send p_vout to WM_CREATE */

>>>>>>>>> It compiles without error. I can also give the command line parameter --video-x 100 --video-y 300 !! BUT it doesn't effect on the position of the VLC player and it stays at the default position xy 0 0

Any clue ??

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