[vlc-devel] Re: vlc: svn commit r13518 (courmisch)

Rémi Denis-Courmont rem at videolan.org
Mon Dec 5 11:22:10 CET 2005

Le Lundi 5 Décembre 2005 10:50, Marian Durkovic a écrit :
> If the VCR functions are to be supported, than timeshift should be
> probably combined with record into one module and it should do
> _nothing_ (just pass blocks) until the user activates some of their
> functions. This is how other SW works - it even doesn't display the
> "record menu" by default...

I don't see the point of merging record and timeshift. I do see the 
point of enabling both, and that's what should be done in the end. 
Also, AFAIK, neither of them do anything until pause resp. the record 
hotkey are triggered.

> well, if they intend to use SAP, they need to activate it anyway -
> and all those settings could be easily stored in vlcrc.

Enabling SAP is easy from the playlist. Enabling timeshift is hardly 
possible, and was so far not possible for only SAP announces.

Also, the setting already is stored in vlcrc.

> You're assuming here that the PC is doing nothing else than running
> VLC. While a digital VCR is a single-purpose device, the PC (and
> especially UNIX one) is not - and the user might not wish to devote
> all his resources just to VLC.

Then it is up to him not to trigger timeshifting.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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