[vlc-devel] OGG, AC3 encoder and maximum bitrate for video encoding

Håvar Nielsen havar.nielsen at stud.nhh.no
Sun Dec 11 14:46:32 CET 2005


First I will introduce myself. I'm Håvar. I've studied math, programming 
and fysics at the Norwegian university of science and technology in 
Trondheim. Now I'm a student at the Norwegian school of Business and 
Economy. I would like to contribute to this project.

Could I get an SVN password, please?

I think VLC is a great media player and I've grown to use it for nearly 
all my mediaplaying tasks.

There are some things I would like to improove though. These are 
especially the subjects I've mentioned in the title of this e-mail, OGG 
playback, AC3 encoding and improoving video encoding.

The player does not seem to recognize comments in ogg streams. And it 
doesn't handle 5.1 OGG sound very well. I would like the player to 
recognize 5.1 OGG and other none A/52 or DTS multichannel streams and 
reencode these in realtime for playback over SPDIF as AC3 sound.

Regarding the way VLC handles video-encoding. Besides the obvious, that 
it has limited options, increasing the maximum bitrate (from 3072 to 
9999) or enabling fixed quantizer encoding would greatly improve the 
quality of the output. - Especially at high resolution video.


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