[vlc-devel] Re: [VLC] VLC with ffmpeg compile + YUV play

Hussain conundrums at gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 08:55:23 CET 2005

> [Dusan] Sounds like you know other applications which use ffmpeg and can
> encode/decode ISO reference YUV video clips. Would you mind to tell us which
> application we can use instead?
Hello, I know that Mplayer can be used for files in the YUV 4:2:0
formats. This can be achieved by the following command:
% mplayer -rawvideo on:w=x:h=y:y420:fps=z filename.yuv

where, x,y,z are integers. Here w is the width and h is the height of
the video to be played. The y420 is the type of encoding format used,
and fps is the frame rate per sec.

Maybe this might be of some help. Though I can't recall if they use
ffmpeg or not.


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