[vlc-devel] Re: [PATCH] 232, 289, 360 and 38x
· zcot ·
cutmancw at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 6 17:31:49 CEST 2005
here's that file attached: wxdiff-232-289-360-38x
>From: "· zcot ·" <cutmancw at hotmail.com>
>Reply-To: vlc-devel at videolan.org
>To: vlc-devel at videolan.org
>Subject: [vlc-devel] [PATCH] 232, 289, 360 and 38x
>Date: Thu, 06 Oct 2005 02:12:53 -0400
>I have the code for these tickets finally..
>one ticket I mention 38x, has never been created as I never saw anybody
>else mention it so figured it was a non issue. It happens in my case on
>win98 while using a desktop theme and that theme uses a slightly larger
>font than normal so the menubar of vlc wraps by default. When the menubar
>wraps it's a fiasco. I think the wx code for GetTextExtent is using the
>default font or something. So instead of having to munge the width by
>adding the extra space I have a reasonable fix for this situation...
>pictures and links too, to show the example.
>last ticket number I can find is ticket 381, so maybe this would be 382...
>-whatever though, but that explains the virtual number ;)
>so, anyway, I shouldn't do a diff file right now :D haha! -with all the
>extra commented lines and my fervent "debugging" messages and more..
>I'll send it up by the evening with a reply here. I should sleep :|
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