[vlc-devel] Re: default dvd/vcd/audio cd device (on windows)

Brian Robb vascy at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 6 22:26:18 CEST 2005

Well it hasn't been accepted yet.
Personally, I find nothing wrong with it.

Open the dialog first time, it lists E: as the device, which is correct.
Change it to F:, close the dialog, open it again it lists it as F: still.
So it should be fine.

Is there a reason for not accepting it?

>Hey! This is great!!
>This is something that I wanted to be developed, because I reccomend
>VLC to a lot of people that are "novel" users...

>Thanx 4 everything, we are making an incredibly GR34T media program!!

 > >Please patch against the latest SVN. In the latest SVN the device is no
 > >longer hard-coded,
 > >by default it is left empty and libdvdcss will autodetect the first
 > >available CD-ROM drive.
 > Well I've yet to work out how to use diff with svn.
 > (A diff file would probably make changing this more difficult since it's
 > only one bit to add...)
 > Anyhow, the change is now:
 > In gui/wxwidgets/open.cpp
 > After the lines (Line 710):
 >    wxStaticText *label = new wxStaticText( panel, -1, wxU(_("Device 
 > );
 >    disc_device = new wxTextCtrl( panel, DiscDevice_Event, wxT(""),
 >                                  wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
 >                                  wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER);
 > Add the lines:
 > #ifdef WIN32
 >    if (1)
 >    {
 >        char psz_default_device[3] = {0};
 >        // find the drive_name for the first cdrom drive, which is 
 > "D:"...
 >        // and put the drive_name into psz_default_device...
 >        for (char drive_letter = 'A'; drive_letter <= 'Z'; ++drive_letter) 
 >            char drive_name[3] = {drive_letter, ':', 0};
 >            UINT type = GetDriveType(drive_name);
 >            if (type == DRIVE_CDROM) {
 >                psz_default_device[0] = drive_letter;
 >                psz_default_device[1] = ':';
 >                break;
 >            }
 >        }
 >        if( strlen(psz_default_device) > 0 ) {
 >            if (disc_device) disc_device->SetValue(
 > wxL2U(psz_default_device) );
 >        }
 >    }
 > #endif
 > So suppose this might be a point of a pointless addition
 > if the MRL of dvd:// would cause libdvdcss to play the first dvd drive it
 > finds.
 > But if this is added it'll be great because I won't have to keep changing 
 > to E: anymore... :)
 > --
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