[vlc-devel] Re: open file dialog filetype filter

Brian Robb vascy at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 7 03:31:41 CEST 2005

>Thanks for this patch.
>However, we'd like to centralize this so it can be used by all interfaces.
>I don't know what we should exactly do for possible autogeneration of 

I couldn't work out how to add functions to libvlc so that I could
use them in modules/gui/wxwidgets/dialogs.cpp so I've just
put them in modules/gui/wxwidgets/dialogs.cpp and hopefully you'll just be 
able to
copy them into interface.c / vlc_interface.h and possibly then do "make 

Anyway, the functions are:

int intf_filetypes_get_num_types();
int intf_filetypes_get_type_label(char* buffer, int buffer_size, int type);
int intf_filetypes_get_num_subtypes(int type);
int intf_filetypes_get_subtype_label(char* buffer, int buffer_size, int 
type, int index);
int intf_filetypes_get_subtype_extension(char* buffer, int buffer_size, int 
type, int index);


void intf_generate_filetype_filter(char* filter, int filter_size);

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