[vlc-devel] new to the list

alberto colombo albx79 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 18 13:01:48 CEST 2006

hello everybody

I've just joined this mailing list as I need to do some video processing
at work and I'm planning on using VLC (at least, it's the one with the
largest file format support in linux).

First of all, is there a mailing list archive or a developer forum where
I can find answers to the questions that every newby does? 

Secondly, I noticed that the docs on the developers' wiki are a bit out
of date; is there an up-to-date reference somewhere?

Third, I took me a whole day to figure out how to compile a program
using libvlc, which libraries to include, etc. Eventually, I came out

gcc testvlc.c  `pkg-config vlc --libs --cflags` -o testvlc

which makes use of a self-made vlc.pc file like this:

 # Package Information for pkg-config


 Name: VLC
 Description: VideoLan Client
 Version: 0.8.5
 Requires: hal libavcodec libavformat
 Libs: -L${libdir} -L${libdir}/vlc -lvlc -ldl -lpthread -lffmpeg
-lpostproc -lmemcpymmx -li420_rgb_mmx -li420_ymga_mmx -li420_yuy2_mmx
-li422_yuy2_mmx -lmemcpy3dn  -lmemcpymmxext -lstream_out_switcher
 Cflags: -I${includedir}

Is there a better way of compiling and linking against libvlc and all
its dependancies?

Thank you very much

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