[vlc-devel] Re: introducing XSPF support

Daniel Stränger vlc at schmaller.de
Mon Feb 20 23:11:30 CET 2006

> Thank you very much for this patch.
It's a pleasure for me to contribute to this great software ;-)

> - URL decoding : we already have some core functions for this, I think
> it would be better to use them
I didn't know that. ...*searching*... ah, it's in include/network.h !!!
Yeah, it would be better.

> - UTF-8 : the core has EnsureUTF8
I wasn't sure whether input.psz_uri is always utf8 or in some circumstances still locale encoded.
So EnsureUTF8() didn't fit my needs as it only replaces non-utf8 characters by "?".
If it's save to use psz_uri directly, it would suffice to escape xml control characters by its html entities.

> - We don't have XML special chars handling in the core, but it should be
> moved there to be used by all plugins
The conversion during import is a relict when i was using xtag parser.
Libxml2 manages this transparently. Maybe it can be left out!?
The export conversion is neccessary since no xml processor is used here.
I agree it should be put into the core.

> - We generally try to stick to using capitals in function names, but
> that's mostly nitpicking.
Feel free to change the function names. There aren't so many of them...
I'm going to respect this "nitpicking" guideline next time :-)

> I'm wondering whether we should include it in 0.8.5 (I don't think it
> has a high chance of breaking something) or wait to have something with
> tree structure, for 0.8.6 ?
The ability of saving the tree structure is not the only advantage of xspf.
I think this feature should be support as soon as xspf increases in popularity.

Do you correct the source code to follow your suggestions or do I have to provide another patch version?


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