[vlc-devel] [PATCH] vlc: access module ftp , enable login with user:password

Petr Vacek P.Vacek at sh.cvut.cz
Thu Jun 8 21:30:08 CEST 2006

Hi, this is my first post here, please point me into right direction if 
am wrong with something,thanks in advance.

Recently I've tried giving vlc URL  with 
ftp://user:password@server/filename syntax, and it won't play it,
I looked down the code and it parses URL correctly, but it never uses 
user/password information , it just sticks to
the default anonymous strings.

Small , probably dirty patch, works for me. Can I get some comment on this ?

I am not sure whether thunderbird messes with indentation in diff file, 
in that case you can get it from

greetings from
Petr Vacek
p.vacek at sh.cvut.cz

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