[vlc-devel] Re: Make problem with svn 16799 and 'enable-java-bindings'

Joerg vlc-ml at aab.noctis.de
Mon Sep 25 11:30:16 CEST 2006


> But, where is directory 'includes' ?

It's in the base directory of the source tree. The C sources for the java 
bindings are placed in yet another sub directory below "bindings/java", 
therefore the include path is missing an additional "../".

As I don't known how to add it in a portable way, I just linked the real 
directory to the deeper level in "bindings" (i.e. "bindings/includes" - 
that's what my two commands were for) where the current version of the 
Makefiles expect it.


> Joerg wrote:
>> Hi,
>> a crumsy workaround I used was:
>> cd bindings
>> ln -s ../includes includes
>> But you'll probably encounter other problems along the way...
>> Regards,
>> Jörg
>> Dies schrieb vladakk am 23.09.2006 09:37 Uhr:
> www.abanka.co.yu


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