[vlc-devel] Re: [Patch] better support for more recent pvr: drivers

Paul Corke paul.corke at datatote.co.uk
Wed Apr 4 18:04:26 CEST 2007

On 03 April 2007 20:10, Jean-Paul Saman wrote:

> In this case you should construct the configure.ac test in such a way
> that it will override the /usr/include/videodev2.h location.

Ok, I'll try again!

This adds a new configure option, --with-videodev2=FILE.  If that option
is specified, that header file is used else it falls back to looking at
the system header <linux/videodev2.h>.

If the header found in the process above is new enough then it builds in
support for new pvr drivers (0.8.0 and above).  Otherwise, we revert to
the old vlc code which uses the local copy of videodev2.h from svn and
does not have support for new pvr drivers.

So that's building.  Now execution.

If the binary has been built with a new videodev2 then it will support
both new and old drivers.

If it has been built with an old videodev2 then it will correctly
support old drivers (just like 0.8.6a).  If it detects new drivers are
in use at runtime, it will still work but it will msg_Warn() the user
and certain parameters (such as bitrate) will be ignored.

So my configure would contain:

./configure \
    --with-videodev2=/home/paulc/ivtv-0.10.0/utils/videodev2.h \

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