[vlc-devel] Spec file for VLC 0.9 for openSUSE (10.0 - 10.3)

Dominique Leuenberger dominique at leuenberger.net
Sun Jun 3 21:56:12 CEST 2007


I think it's time for an update of the specfile for SuSE distributions.

Many things have changed, I dropped support for SUSE 9.3 (as Novell  
dropped it officially too).

On the other hand, I already make all my tests on openSUSE 10.3, which  
is in Alpha4 stadium at this moment... mostly it works there (Except  
the probably known Qt4.3 issues... file open for example crashes the  

The spec file nevertheless works.

It is called vlc-beta.spec, as I build vlc 0.8.6b and 0.9.0 in the  
same repo. So they get different names and can co-exist. For the  
commit, it can safely be renamed to vlc.suse.spc again.

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