[vlc-devel] [PATCH] New interface patches + icon
Chris Chan
chris_ccf_6b at yahoo.com.hk
Fri May 18 11:34:50 CEST 2007
Dear developers,
We have developed two new interfaces for vlc. Hopes
that they help a bit for VLC.
These interfaces are called qplay and qserver. They
are working counterpart.
In the project VLM functions are implemented with
GUI tech.
1. The communication of the two interfaces is using
tcp. Thus playlist download, play-pause-stop ctrl of
VLM are done with tcp from qplay (client) to qserver
2. Permanent media play list is stored with SQL.
3. Different user could have their own stored
4. Login/Logout is required for the user to use in
client side.
Purpose of prj: Realize a total remote ctrl in media
on demand system. (Suppose the permanent media store
had established by some clicks on the GUI of qserver).
Installation requirement
1. QServer:
i. QtX4.2.3
ii. postgresql-devel-8.1.8-1.fc5
iii. taglib-devel-1.4-2.fc5
2. QPlay:
i. QtX2 or QtE-2.3.10
Please let me know if there is any problem.
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