[vlc-devel] Integration of vlc into Red5 - What revision to use?

Alexander Bethke abethke at oamk.fi
Mon Nov 12 08:10:17 CET 2007

> Hi Alexander,
> Can you please help me understand what do you mean by "I am planning
> an integration of vlc into the Red5 streaming server
> (Flash video)"?
> Why you want integrated vlc (a client) to Red5 streaming a Server)?
> What will vlc going to do? As far as I know, it can't talk in RTMP
> (both as a client or as a server).

in my setup VLC transcodes incoming video in whatsoever format to flash 
video. True, there is no RTMP support in vlc, but running both programs 
on the same machine it is possible to handle the data flow from vlc to 
Red5 over the filesystem or with pipes (or even over http).
VLC is definitely a server as much as it is a client.

Cheers, Alex

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