[vlc-devel] SPDIF output broken after vlc-0.9.0-svn-20070922-0001

Ben Willcox ben at willcoxonline.com
Mon Nov 12 23:53:13 CET 2007

Rafaël Carré wrote:

> You can check
> http://trac.videolan.org/vlc/timeline?from=09%2F23%2F07&daysback=0&changeset=on&update=Update
> For the list of the changes between 09/22 and 09/23
> And also be sure to delete the preferences, and then check the vlc debug
> log (view->messages) with verbosity set to 2 (in the preferences).

I played a 5.1 AC3 audio file through SPDIF using the version from 09/22 
and then 09/23, and diffed the debug output.

The only significant change that I can see that has any meaning to this 
problem is the following:

Working version:
main debug: input 'a52 ' 48000 Hz 3F2R/LFE frame=1536 samples/1792 bytes

Broken version:
main debug: input 'a52 ' 48000 Hz 3F2R/LFE frame=1 samples/1792 bytes

I had a look through the svn commits from that date, but to my untrained 
eye I cannot see anything that seems to be related to this. I'm not sure 
where else I should look?


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