[vlc-devel] The performance of VLC on Windows CE building with CeGCC

Jérôme Decoodt djc at videolan.org
Tue Apr 1 09:41:06 CEST 2008


>    Thank you for your detailed answer. Another problem I'm conerning about is
>    that, whether this build enviroment surpport Window CE 6.0? Or whether
>    these tools keeps synchronization with Windows CE's update? I have learned
>    that, there are some changes on programming architecture  from CE5.0 to
>    CE6.0, and in the next version of Windows CE, there will be some other
>    changes.  Thanks a lot^_^

I don't have any clue about updates from 5 to 6, neither about the
programming differences :/
All I can say ATM is it is working on Windows Mobile 6 and I didn't test
on 5 ;)

Jérôme Decoodt

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