[vlc-devel] commit: Fix media library reference counting ( Rafaël Carré )
Pierre d'Herbemont
pdherbemont at free.fr
Tue Apr 1 22:23:36 CEST 2008
On Apr 1, 2008, at 10:14 PM, git version control wrote:
> vlc | branch: master | Rafaël Carré <funman at videolan.org> | Tue Apr
> 1 22:13:46 2008 +0200| [0c7849a6a0e9adc04c539df6716329bd9996a56f]
> Fix media library reference counting
> Please TEST your changes before pushing
> At least, READ the code instead of modifying it blindly
I am sorry I don't want to add more flames here. But I am certain you
don't think enough about the problem. There is an other trouble laying
around, and neither you nor me has fixed it. Just don't work around
something that don't work. Fix it.
> + vlc_gc_incref( p_playlist->p_ml_category->p_input );
That makes no sense. What is the rational that makes you think we have
to increase the refcount.
Same apply to the decref. It makes no sense. This is done already by
FOREACH_ARRAY( playlist_item_t *p_del, p_playlist->all_items )
free( p_del->pp_children );
vlc_gc_decref( p_del->p_input );
free( p_del );
I won't say it, I won't say it, I won't say it...
Think before you push
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