[vlc-devel] Neuros and VLC cooperation

Joe Born joeborn at gmail.com
Wed Apr 2 03:26:17 CEST 2008

As many of you may know, Neuros Technology is developing a free
software device including a port of VLC.  If you are interested in
more information, see http://open.neurostechnology.com  I recently
received an inquiry from an FFMPEG summer of code applicant about
coordination with Neuros, loaner hardware, etc. and I realized I
should post something here too since similar issues might come up here
as well.  We're actively looking to cooperate with the VLC community,
making sure all our patches are submitted as well as working with the
developers here, etc.  We deeply value all the hard work thats gone
into this software and want to be contributing members, since we
recognize the huge amount of value that Neuros is getting from all
that hard work.  To that end, if we can help in anyway, please let us
know, and if there are any of you working on embedded projects,
particuliarly those involving davinci or other TI hardware, please let
us know.  We're eager to coordinate and help out wherever we can and
our contacts at TI have become very supportive of community efforts
and free software, so we can help to rally their support as well.

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