[vlc-devel] Fosdem meeting

jboileau jboileau at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 15:16:26 CET 2008


First, as a user of libvlc and someone following on the sideline your guy's
progress, I must say how impressed I am of all your dedication and
professional work you guys do. VLC development is better organised than many
of the projects I have worked on profesionnaly! Your work is appreciated.
Reading this mailing list and seeing all the work that is done is

I am very eager to see the TP and will take it out for a spin in my
environment (Windows using libvlc-control) and give as much feedback as
possible. I do try out nightly builds once in a while.

One ticket I haven't seen in the 0.9.0 TP Roadmap that I was hoping to see
is ticket #774. This has an impact on the project I am working on since the
end of our videos are cut off at the end. I will survive without it, but  I
wanted at least to let you know someone is waiting for this.

Keep up the good work!

Jacques Boileau

On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 9:45 PM, Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org>

> On Tue, Feb 26, 2008, Jean-Baptiste Kempf wrote :
> > 2) Trunk Roadmap
> > ================
> > We talked about the major issues with the trunk.
> Trac tickets for most criticals issues have been created. Roadmap has
> been created there.
> Best,
> jb
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Jacques Boileau
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