[vlc-devel] New LIVE555 version - should eliminate most "live*patch"s

Jean-Baptiste Kempf jb at videolan.org
Sat Jan 5 02:54:18 CET 2008

On Fri, Jan 04, 2008, Ross Finlayson wrote :
> >  > - A new configuration file "config.armeb-uclibc" has been added.
> >>  Also, "USE_SYSTEM_RANDOM" (use the system-supplied "random()" and
> >>  "srandom()" functions) is now the default behavior.  This eliminates
> >>  the need for "live-config.patch".
> >Not really, there is all the -DUSE_SYSTEM_RANDOM=1
> No, "-DUSE_SYSTEM_RANDOM=1" is no longer necessary, because that is 
> now the default behavior.  Therefore, there should no longer be any 
> need for "live-config.patch".

> >Do we still need the
> >sed -e 's/.*LIVEMEDIA_LIBRARY_VERSION_INT.*/#define
> >LIVEMEDIA_LIBRARY_VERSION_INT         9999999999/'
> >liveMedia_version.hh.bak > liveMedia_version.hh )
> No, you can remove that, provided that you also change all 8 occurrences of
> 	9999999999
> in "live555.cpp" to
> 	1199404800
> (As I've noted in the past, I'd really like to see us mandate a 
> minimum required LIVE555 version for "live555.cpp", so we can remove 
> many of those ugly
> lines.)

ok. jpsaman? advice ?

What about considering this version of live as NECESSARY to build vlc
trunk ?

Best Regards,

Jean-Baptiste Kempf

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