[vlc-devel] live555 server + rtsp + ts + trick mode support + vlc as client

yusuf engin t yusuf.engin at yahoo.com.tr
Sat Jan 12 16:11:12 CET 2008

  Live555 rtsp server supports trick play operations such as seeking, fast forward, reverse play for transport streams if there exists an index file with .tsx suffix in the same location with the streamed file. For more details;
  However, vlc disables trick mode options when used with gui, i.e. vlc hides
  timeline bar while receiving transport stream over rtsp.
  In case of rc mode, it is possible to use seek command. 
  Unfortunately, it doesn't work properly. Most of time it crashes.
  I must note that, there is no problem with program streams, in other words, seek operations worked as required. 
  testMPEG2TransportStreamTrickPlay program, that live555 provides for
  testing seek options, works properly with the same transport streams that
  i tried with vlc.
  thanks in advance
  yusuf engin

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