[vlc-devel] libvlc_input_get_length crashes

Amaresh Ram Amaresh.Ram at lntinfotech.com
Mon Jan 14 04:36:32 CET 2008


Testcase steps are:

1. Create New vlc instance (using libvlc_new )
      p_vlc = libvlc_new(0, NULL, NULL);
2. Add a url to playlist (using libvlc_playlist_add)
      item_id = libvlc_playlist_add(p_vlc, uri, NULL, NULL);
3. play the last added item (using libvlc_playlist_play)
      libvlc_playlist_play(p_vlc, item_id, 0, NULL, NULL);
4. get the input that is currently being played (using
      p_input = libvlc_playlist_get_input( p_vlc, NULL);
5. get input length (using libvlc_input_get_length)
      in_lenght = libvlc_input_get_length(p_input, NULL);

At step 5, application crashes with segmentation fault.

input length needs to be notified to application so that it can change the
UI control on expiry of input length timer.


             Rafaël Carré                                                  
             <funman at videolan.                                             
             org>                                                       To 
             Sent by:                  vlc-devel at videolan.org              
             vlc-devel-bounces                                          cc 
                                       Re: [vlc-devel]                     
             01/12/2008 07:56          libvlc_input_get_length crashes     
             Please respond to                                             
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Le Fri, 11 Jan 2008 02:45:06 +0530,
Amaresh Ram <Amaresh.Ram at lntinfotech.com> a écrit :

> Hi,
> I am trying to get the length of the video clip using
> libvlc_input_get_length but it crashes.

Do you happen to have a backtrace ? With a full testcase would be
perfect ;)

> I am using the API as follows:
> /******************************/
> double inputLength;
> libvlc_input_t *p_input;
> p_input = libvlc_playlist_get_input(mp_libvlc , NULL);
> inputLength = libvlc_input_get_length( p_input , NULL);
> libvlc_input_free(p_input);
> /***************************************/
> Please let me know what is the problem in the call? The code works
> perfectly if I hardcode inputLength inplace of libvlc_input_get_length
> function call.
> regards/amaresh
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Rafaël Carré

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