[vlc-devel] vlc: svn commit r24342 (funman)

Rafaël Carré funman at videolan.org
Wed Jan 16 19:18:01 CET 2008

Le Wed, 16 Jan 2008 19:58:24 +0200,
Rémi Denis-Courmont <rdenis at simphalempin.com> a écrit :

> Le Wednesday 16 January 2008 19:52:00 Rafaël Carré, vous avez écrit :
> > Ok it MAY look wrong at first sight, but please come with a REAL
> > failure example.
> I don't want hackers to:
> - up the volume and explode my ears or otherwise change my audio HW
> settings,

I hope you don't run flash.

> - change the CDDB server so they can learn what CDDA I am playing,

But they know already, since they control VLC, no ?

> - change the record filter path!!! (arbitrary file overwrite anyone?),

        if( asprintf( &p_sys->psz_file, "%s %d-%d-%d
%.2dh%.2dm%.2ds.%s", ( psz_name != NULL ) ? psz_name : "Unknown",
                      l.tm_mday, l.tm_mon+1, l.tm_year+1900,
                      l.tm_hour, l.tm_min, l.tm_sec,
                      p_sys->psz_ext ) == -1 )

Oh my god it can overwrite such named files !

> - change the TLS settings (nevermind it was supposed to be secure),

again, they do control VLC

> - enable automated multicasting of my outgoing UDP flow...

feel free to correct this one.

> Every second setting seems wrong to me.

Thanks you so much for respecting my work, you lazy bastard.

Rafaël Carré
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