[vlc-devel] [PATCH] VLC Linux mozilla plugin toolbar

Frans van Veen f.m.j.c.vanveen at student.hhs.nl
Sat Jan 19 11:33:42 CET 2008

Hi all,

I present you the Linux mozilla toolbar. Please apply the patch and 
replay on this mail.

- apply the patch
- unzip image.zip in the mozilla folder
- edit the position of the image in the redraw function 
- compile with "make"
- copy the mozilla/.libs/libvlcplugin.so file to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

- toolbar in Linux
- Play, Pause, Stop, Fullscreen and Mute buttons
- timeline, you can click on any place in the timeline and the movie 
will jump to it
- http://www.rtlgemist.nl support

- updating timeline not working well because callback function not 
working "libvlc_event_attach......"
- white line below the toolbar
- play/pause toggle not working well because ticket #1065

We appreciate any input, Thanks.

Frans van Veen and Jasper Alias

Jasper wrote:
> Hi again,
> we have a question and two bugs we encountered during development. I’d 
> thought I share them with you:
> For calling VLC api functions, should we use the 
> libvlc_media_instance_xxx functions or the libvlc_playlist_xxx functions?
> Not quite sure if this really is a bug but we suspect so: The the 
> libvlc_playlist _isplaying function should return a 0 when the movie 
> stream is paused but instead it returns a 1. It does return 0 if the 
> function is called before starting the movie stream.
> And the second one (also not quite sure this is a bug): the 
> libvlc_media_instance_get_position function causes a crash if the movie 
> stream hasn’t started yet. Therefore a isplaying check is needed first. 
> Maybe it’s something the libvlc_media_instance_get_position function 
> should check it for itself?
> We appreciate any input, Thanks.
> Jasper Alias
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