[vlc-devel] [PATCH] Add VOD to libvlc_vlm (cleaner)

Antoine Cellerier dionoea at videolan.org
Sun Jul 6 17:30:00 CEST 2008

Patch looks fine and won't break any existing feature since it only adds
new functions. Anyone object to applying it in 0.9.0?

And I just had one question about the patch:

On Fri, Jul 04, 2008, Sébastien Escudier wrote:
> +void libvlc_vlm_set_mux( libvlc_instance_t *p_instance, char *psz_name,
> +                         char *psz_mux, libvlc_exception_t *p_exception )
> +{
> +#ifdef ENABLE_VLM
> +#define VLM_CHANGE_CODE { if( p_media->b_vod ) { \
> +                            free( p_media->vod.psz_mux ); \
> +                            p_media->vod.psz_mux = psz_mux ? strdup( psz_mux ) : NULL; \
> +                          } }
> +    VLM_CHANGE( "Unable to change %s mux property", VLM_CHANGE_CODE );

Why do you need that VLM_CHANGE_CODE define? Couldn't you just put the
code in the 2nd argument to VLM_CHANGE directly?

Antoine Cellerier

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