[vlc-devel] Qt4 Interface quetion.

Grae Cullen tua57044 at temple.edu
Mon Jul 14 23:56:06 CEST 2008

>>     From what little I know about qt4, and I do know very
>> little about it, there is a function called connect, that
>> connects a menu option with a particular function.  I am
>connect creates connection between signal and slot, what
>can be used in menu too, for handling signal i.e. clicked()
>> having trouble finding where the actual function is that is
>> run by the menu, as opposed to the actual creation of the menu.
>in this case is used QAction
>macro ACT_ADD on line 257

    The add action function really only adds a string value
with setData() to the action, and maps the action to the menu.
 The actually mapping of a function to the in slightly more
complex.  I think it is done in CreateAndConnect(). 

    However, that being said, I have been working on this for
an embarrassingly   long time, and would not mad at all if someone
just spoiled it for me.  So if someone knows what function is
called by the menu option (Video->Video Track->Video 2) I
wouldn't mind just being told.  

    This is my last time asking so I don't spam up this list
too much.

Thanks a lot for the help,
Grae Cullen

God Bless You


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