[vlc-devel] [Videolan-devel] [PATCH] Add Dynamic CSA update functionality

Kaloyan Kovachev kkovachev at varna.net
Wed Jun 4 22:24:03 CEST 2008

Hello list,
 i have posted this initially to the videolan-devel list by mistake
(sorry about that), but here it is once again in the right place.

 I need to encrypt the streaming and to periodically change the key. The best
way i found was to use the both keys of the CSA encryption inside TS mux/demux
modules. The goal is to update the non active key on the streaming server via
telnet and on the client via mozilla plugin, Activex or telnet. Later on, by
switching the active key on the server (again via telnet) will be transparent
(without interruptions) for the client.

 These few patches are just the first part, which only makes use of the second
key and option to choose the active key on startup.

 The second part making it really "Dynamic CSA update" will need to be
rewritten as my approach was wrong, but hope to have something right soon.

On Wed, 4 Jun 2008 18:23:50 +0300, [UTF-8?]RГ©mi Denis-Courmont wrote
> Hello,
> +        int i_res = VLC_EGENERIC;
> +
> +        p_sys->csa = csa_New();
> +
> +        i_res = csa_SetCW( ...
> Don't set variables if you never use the value.
> There are several occurences of this.
> -- 
> [UTF-8?]RГ©mi Denis-Courmont
> http://www.remlab.net/

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