[vlc-devel] add event support for vlm

M&Ms M&Ms aimnms at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 11 11:27:10 CEST 2008


I am trying to add avent support for vlm (like in libvlc_media for medias).

But for libvlc_media, we have media.c in src/control/media.c so we can access directly input items in it.
The problem with vlm is that vlm.c is located in src/input/vlm.c AND src/control/vlm.c.  input_items  I'd like to watch are located in the input/vlm.c file so I can't access to the libvlc data and functions.

Do you think I should catch input items events and send vlm vlc_event in input/vlm.c and then catch vlm events in control/vlm.c to send libvlc_events ?

Hope my post is not too confusing


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