[vlc-devel] [PATCH] Patch to fix bug #1532, and improve http seek times.

Bill C. Riemers briemers at redhat.com
Thu Jun 12 19:19:18 CEST 2008

This is a patch to improve http seek performance and fix bug 1532.

The way it improves seek performance is by doing small data requests
after each seek, and then growing each subsequent read.  If there is
only a small amount of data left from the previous request, then it
simply finishes the read and makes the next request at the proper
offset.   If there is too much data left from the previous request, then
it resorts to the old behaviour of closing the connection and open a new

I tuned the thresholds for minimum block size, maximum block size, and
seek size using avi's on the video lan site.  So seeking remote videos
gives me the same user experience as seeking local files.  This code
consistently gives me a seek time less than 200 ms between small reads
across a connection with 100 ms ping times.

There are ways we could improve http performance further.  One would be
to take advantage of async communications to send the request prior to
actually reading all the data from the previous request.   The second
would be to cache at the data block level.   However, neither of these
further optimization are necessary for good performance with the video
files I have tested.


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Name: 0001-Patch-to-fix-bug-1532-and-improve-http-seek-times.patch
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