[vlc-devel] [PATCH] Make http seeking to be non-blocking

Bill C. Riemers briemers at redhat.com
Fri Jun 13 18:18:05 CEST 2008

This is built on top of my previous patch, so I am attaching both as

Basically this make http seeks none blocking, by moving the actual seek
operation as part of the Read() request...   The seek call simply adjust
the position reference to the new location.

Now if you want non-blocking Read requests as well, then I'll have to
make another thread.  But as near as I can tell vlc modules do not
support non-blocking read operations...


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Name: 0001-Patch-to-fix-bug-1532-and-improve-http-seek-times.patch
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Name: 0002-Make-http-seeking-to-be-non-blocking.patch
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