[vlc-devel] VLC master merge window closed

Rémi Denis-Courmont rdenis at simphalempin.com
Sun Jun 15 22:34:12 CEST 2008


After over 26 months of uninterrupted chaos since the branching of version 
0.8.5 which evolved into 0.8.6h, the long overdue feature freeze for VLC 
version <s>0.8.6-svn</s> 0.9.0 has now started.

There was some progress in stabilizing this week. Unfortunately, there are 
still some critical issues that need to be sorted out before we can even 
consider releasing 0.9.0-test1 and start accepting bug reports at large.

As of now, and until we actually branch to-be 0.9.0-bugfix out of master, no 
new features should be added. Now that git makes branching so easy, there is 
no excuses anyway :D In the mean time, please stick to bug fixes. Experience 
has shown that developpers cannot help but use the master branch, so we risl 
never reaching an acceptable quality if we branch immediately without a 
period of stabilization. Lets not redo 0.8.3 neither 0.8.5-1 again...

Until we release 0.9.0-test1, you can of course extend^W"fix" incomplete 
features, and redesign things if a critical problem requires it.

Happy bugfixing, happy St John/Midsummer time,

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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