[vlc-devel] vlc's module

Rémi Denis-Courmont rdenis at simphalempin.com
Tue Jun 24 19:17:25 CEST 2008

Le mardi 24 juin 2008 19:59:34 Chiara, vous avez écrit :
> can someone help me with vlc's module?
> I need to wrote an additional module for vlc.  I saw that the modules in
> the folder stream_out containing the functions open(), close(), add(),
> del(), send().
> There are files that describe how to write these files?
> or explain what they do?
> Sorry for my English but I'm italian.
> Thanks in advance.

Open() and Close() are common to all modules:
Open() probes and initializes.
Close() terminates and releases all resources.

Then for stream output plugins, specifically:
Add() adds a new elementary stream with a specified format,
Del() deletes a elementary stream that was previously added,
Send() streams a block of encoded data for a specified elementary stream.

There is developper documentation somewhere, but I can't seem to find where, 
nor how the Doxygen comments actually are (or fail to be) used.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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