[vlc-devel] [PATCH] Global Hotkeys for windows (0.8.6e)

Jean-Baptiste Kempf jb at videolan.org
Thu Mar 20 22:59:02 CET 2008

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008, Jean-Paul Saman wrote :
> VLC already has a hotkey mechanism that also works on Windows. What is 
> the rational for globalhotkeys? (why do we need it?)
Global Hotkeys != Hotkeys.

Global hotkeys reacts even if your VLC isn't the application having the
focus. It needs to use OS specific functions.

> How is it different then the hotkeys we already have? 
> (modules/control/hotkeys.c)
Those hotkeys only work if VLC has the focus.

We really need that feature since most audio player has it and many
people ask for that in the forums.

> Why is there so much overlap with modules/control/hotkeys?
Maybe a very clever merge could happen... But I am not really sure.
Do we need this merge ?

> This are a few of the questions I have with this feature.
Those are my answers I have with this feature.

Best Regards,

Jean-Baptiste Kempf

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